Tales of a Teenage Peafowl Enthusiast

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Can Anyone Build Me an Ark?

I hope anyone reading this isn't having such awful weather as we are here in PA. It's rained buckets in the past three days, and everything is a flooded, muddy, raging river mess! To top it off, every day I pick the worse time to go out and feed the peacocks. I don't mind getting wet (I do Relay for Life, which involves rain every year without fail, so I'm used to being wet for 24 hours) but now that I have three outdoor pens as well as my five indoor ones in the aviary, getting grain outside to be fed without ruining any excess in the downpours has been a challenge I've been losing.

I don't think the peas we moved outside are appreciating their new pens so much now. They have a water proof shelter, but far more of their pen is exposed to the elements than their previous home: the above ground aviary pens which are half inside and three quarters covered by the roof. The peacocks' tails look pretty pitiful soaked in mud. And three days ago one of my silver pied hens laid me an egg in a puddle. (She does have dry straw available under the shelter, but of course she didn't want to lay there!)

And then, when I was going back inside this afternoon after being thoroughly drenched, the path I normally take was so flooded by a raging stream that I had to detour through the garden, walking through inches of water just so I could get to the house.

Here's to drier weather and happier birds (and people)!


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